There are a few different ways that we use to discover new products to launch on Amazon. Sometimes we are shopping and can’t find the product that we are looking for, sometimes we experience activities that are a pain as we go about our day to day life, and sometimes we have to get a little more creative!
Today we’ll talk about a method that works well whether you already have products selling on Amazon or not.
The idea is to put yourself into the life of your target customer by using your imagination. Actively imagine going through their daily activities – both weekday and weekend.
Now start journaling what the day looks like with a pen or pencil. It’s very important to hand-write this part because of what it does for the creative juices. As you go through each part of the day, ask these questions:
- What are potential pain points for this person?
- What could this person have or use to make these potential pain points easier?
- What could this person have that might brighten their day or make them happier?
What you want to look for here are moments where experiences can be enhanced.
Let’s say your target customer happens to be a long distance runner in her late 50’s. It’s possible that when she wakes up each morning her feet are sore. A pair of memory foam slippers could be a nice product that can alleviate pain and brighten her day.
Maybe later on in her day she finds herself at the beach with her grandson but she has to park 5 blocks away. A really nice beach wagon with big tires and enough space to carry all of her stuff could really alleviate a pain point.
Like anything else, practice makes perfect and you will need reps to really train your brain for this process. But, if you stick to it and stay focused and true to the process, it will definitely yield fruitful results. Good luck hunting!